Feb 10·edited Feb 10

—”Fauxglin intended to spend this week composing a mighty ode in dazzingly ironic praise of local government corruption aficionado, Jeff King, but as we encountered more and more of that man’s unexpectedly tedious nyah-nyahs — gasping, emoji-laden breaths spent in service of a riot of intentional and unintentional mis- and non-readings — the muse departed from us in disgust.”


I see…

Should I be concerned that I may awaken unexpectedly at the bottom of a pit, only to see Fauxglin glaring down at me and proclaiming, 'It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again'?

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Definitely came off creepy 🫣

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All this effort and obscurification simply to avoid having a dialog. And not even in context to the reader's of Substack as most of it occured on their Facebook Page.

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Why did you guys block me?

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They seriously have some disconnect with the world, it’s like three year olds living in their own fantasy world.

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I hate scarecrows and always have. Maybe I sympathize with the crows. I say charge the Scarecrow fest full price and let the crows come back to downtown.

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