Your writing style seems to indicate you are in love with yourself whereas this statement:

---"Delegates ranged from Robert Socha, a gentlemanly and virtuous administrator, to Penny Swan, an opportunistic libertarian. "

Seems to indicate a substance abuse problem. Or could it be both?

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

However, once we move past these unneeded distractions and strutting in your writing style, you do hit on some good points. In Kast moving the location of the meeting, with no notice, should run afoul of party rules. That nobody thought to hold it on the public sidewalk in front of Sozu church is interesting, since that is a public space with the same address.

Now the "Redneck Republicans" (I like that), actually violated Michigan law in excluding duly elected precinct delegates, a misdemeanor.

If Michigan was an ethical and law abiding state, both sets of delegates would be excluded, and frankly should be. Hillsdale once again made statewide news, and not in a good way. Punishment needs to be meted to all.

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Your humorist writing style is interesting – your balance comes with good poking at both sides – your humor at times blends too well with the facts. For example, the elements of the redneck led party have manual labors, ex-felons, and stay-at-home moms, true. But, constitutional scholars? Now that’s funny.

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Mr. Stuchell, can you save me (a relative newcomer to Hillsdale) from having to take my political bearings from my Machiavellian comrades and give me your view of this split within the party?

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Intriguing question I too am interested in hearing, considering Stuchell road the bus to DC with the "Redneck Republicans" yet was a fixture in the parking lot Republicans.

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Politics makes and unmakes strange bedfellows, and doubtless that is exacerbated at the local level. I can imagine going to DC while not exactly loving the company. I can imagine loving the "redneck" mood without loving the particular "rednecks" who at any given time speak for the mood, or who bite off more than they can chew in service to the mood. That's partly what I wish to know: whether in Hillsdale this is primarily a question of personality, policy, or competence, and for whom it is the one or the other.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

It does

I have to ask have you ever been involved in local politics before in any area? Hillsdale was my first exposure to local politics ever and it really broke my soul for a long time. One of the locals favorite expressions is "It's like this everywhere" when in fact it's really not.

I ask that because I was going to suggest just wading in., but I want to warn you. Hillsdale City council meetings are a good first taste as you have a fair balance of "parking lot" Republicans (good 'ol boys), "Redneck Republicans" (conspiracy theorists) and even a few folks who are only slightly insane as well as the tea and crumpet crowd looking for handouts for college projects.

Relatively speaking I do give them kudos for having less apathy then many places.

All ribbing aside, I've heard Socha called many things but never a gentlemen. Perhaps he will start screaming at the meeting if you attend as he has done so in the past.

Good luck.

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Less apathy is what I'm after, I think. I'll get more involved as I become familiar with the lay of the land. I like "tea and crumpet crowd" -- that's funny.

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Aug 17, 2022·edited Aug 17, 2022

Thank you but their actions were anything but funny... using goverment grants to open coffee shops, student housing, boutique hotels and arthouse theaters.

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I should add, the one thing where "it's like this everywhere" is in fact apathy from the citizens. In fact, I've actually found the Hillsdale area less apathetic then most, abet rampant in conspiracy theories and more focus on the negative.

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The apathy is fostered.

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Funny, both sides have the rules broken against them, and they both respond by breaking the rules. Neither should be anywhere near government and both should be banned from serving our community. Anyone involved, out!

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Well that's just too easy... the rule of law and civilized behavior? The horror...

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Yeah they do not care. It is an insult to rednecks calling the Rutanians that. Plus don’t expect the local chiefs to enforce the laws on their friends, make a deal

Neal won’t even lock up criminals, his friends won’t even get sneezed at.

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It's truly an unfortunate situation. My comment to some of the past leadership in a e-mail chain I've had ongoing for the last year is below. So much could be solved, to benefit so many, if the basics were just focused on. Big reason why I moved as I saw no bright light on the horizon, just conspiracy theories ('rednecks') vs the Good 'ol Boys ('parking lot republicans'). Neither was healthy or moving the ball forward



As they said in the movie Private Ryan, now it's time to earn this. Petty conspiracy theories, be they national or local aren't helping any county, let alone yours. Job #1 needs to be economic growth and return to traditional Republican values of pro-business and limited government. With the City of Hillsdale hovering for years around the 30% mark in poverty, if this isn't job #1 for any politician, frankly they shouldn't be running.

Good luck

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Feel free to contact me. I am one of the so-called Rednecks. I am the Secretary at the HCRP.

By the way, just of the 120 delegate make up, over half (62) is government or government spouse/family. This is not a left right situation, this is the people fighting government corruption.

The convention has less to do with the convention itself and more about local government rigging your local elections to prevent patriots from gathering influence in their counties and it was a real hail mary for our Liz Cheney type, Senator Mike Shirkey to get Matt DePerno out as the AG nomination with the new delegates.

I am very close to the state politics..... I have goods on the the Shirkey and DePerno communications.

How do you protect the party values when there is a wave of democrats and communists trying to take over the party? The Democrats have 1 delegate with 102 slots available. Would it be OK if two Republicans wrote in and hijacked their party and called it the America First Democrat Party?

There is no mentioned that the county clerk adamantly reducing our apportionment numbers (133 to 100) to reduce the number of precinct delegates. We are a mid 70% Republican county. There should be more slots than the Democrats. There is no real mention of the coordination of County Clerk Marney Kast, Deputy Clerk Abe Dane, Sheriff Scott Hodshire, Several County Commissioners, Director of the Hospital JJ Hodshire, State Rep Andrew Fink, Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and the DeVos family to undermine our most recent primary election. There is a whole timeline of dirty deeds that these communists do and then they play victim when the common people fight back.

We are one of three counties that the DeVos family funded thousands of dollars to mail fliers for their delegates. Oakland with 800 delegates and Kent County with a butt load as well, why Hillsdale County?

With the constant fight with censured Senator Mike Shirkey, he focused on us too hard on us, as the county parties all around the state flipped to conservative leadership. Kent and Livingston being the two largest. In our Congressional District 5, Monroe, Jackson and Branch flipped as well.

We took over the local party a year and a half ago. The party was $1500 in debt and did absolutely nothing prior to us. There was zero paying members, one event in the fall with little attendance, they just didn't do anything. There were roughly 10 to 30 people at any given monthly meeting. In those meetings there was nothing. Just a small elite social club. Prior to 2020 when we took over, there were approximate 30 delegates at any given time. Now we have 130 running for 100 slots. The only county in the state with this issue.

I will be coming out with our achievements soon.

Btw, not one person that was disavowed has partaken in any county party events, parade, fair booth, shared content of the party, shared a meeting date..... absolutely nothing. Many are known Democrats, because Democrats can't win elections in Hillsdale County so they run under the Republican name. In several years we have seen a handful of them attend one meeting at best. They don't care about the party, they just can't have us in there creating influence to run candidates in elections. We won two of four of our truly endorsed candidates. Steve Lanius for County Commissioner and Jonathan Lindsey for Senate. Even my candidate Steve Meckley for State Representative lost his race, but won the votes in Hillsdale County on Andrew Finks own turf. Fink is of course heavily protected and funded by Senator Shirkey, Consumers and the DeVos family.

Newly disavowed Precinct Delegate and Hillsdale City Council member Greg Stuchell that commented on here, is of course in on the rigging as well. Greg had no problems calling me evil for filming Senator Shirkey undercover and ultimately censuring him, ending his shot at running for Governor.

These people use there positions and power to get rich, while pushing the socialist agenda under the guise of the Republican banner.

If you want Communist Senator Shirkey that is in control of the DeVos and Consumers money to run your state politics, then Greg is your dude. If not, feel free to call for more details.


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One of us will be in touch. I am particularly interested in the role of the county clerk and her deputy in the alleged manipulation of the delegates, but I'd also like to know what you mean when you describe all those people as communists.

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I'm interested as well. Perhaps if you'd be so kind, address this as a journalist and update the story? A few suggestions/thoughts on what you might ask as well:

1. What legal (Constitutional) steps did the Redneck faction take to address the clerk's alleged manipulation? I.E. injunction etc.

2. Ask the clerk, or learn why, the apportionment numbers were reduced rather then assume is was a conspiracy. This answer should be enlightening.

3. Ask Smith if he is aware the State of Michigan Taxpayers are funding the Republican and Democrat private primary process. Ask him to address his concerns as well as clams of "fairness" in light of the taxpayer dole to these private groups to the tunes of millions of dollars of our money. It should be noted the third parties are not the recipient of these handouts, and while their candidate selection process is rough and tumble, it tends not to spill into the public arena

4. Ask Smith why he feels Michigan law was not violated here in turning away the duly elected precinct delegates. see http://legislature.mi.gov/doc.aspx?mcl-168-624

I think he is using the term "communist" just as a general insult, with no real understanding of what it really means, making it meaningless.

If you do a phone call with him, take good notes or ask permission to record the call in case there was a dispute in what was said. He has a habit of secretly recording conversations.

Good luck, interested in what you learn

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Good questions, thank you.

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Two new manifestos appeared today, the "disavowed" calling a new convention to remove the rednecks, and the rednecks response to this. Happy to attach the files if there is a means

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You can send them as attachments to our email at hillsdalecountyreview@protonmail.com if they can't be linked online.

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Well they hit the news so it's moot to send them, but here is a link to the story and outcome


As I'm told however, the new convention to remove the rednecks is still on, that I only have in PDF form, I'll shoot it over or link it

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